Errors when building a project with a cpp gamesparks extension

After the removal of the official support of Gamesparks for Defold, I was thinking about how the sdk can be used the same on the engine. Before it existed an official repository on bitbucket for integrating Gamesparks on Defold that was not working properly for several reasons. Luckly, I have forked that repository before that it was deleted and I have fixed some of the issues so the majority of the code now works. But I wanted to do something more. I discovered that Gamesparks has an official repository for their sdk in cpp, so I wanted to take that sdk and make a native extension to integrate it with Defold so the sdk could be preatty easy to mantain and be updated. I have even created a github repository for it but the problem is that I have several errors when I try to compile it with Defold and honestly I am completely blocked. The errors that I am getting are “object file (…) was built for newer OSX version (10.13) than beign linked (10.7)” and others with several object files and “1116 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64”.
I am wondering if someone could help me to fix this issues.

That is a warning, and it’s not causing you any trouble. We’ll fix that soon (in a few releases I think).

1116 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64

This is an error, and you must solve it to move ahead.
Now, as always, it’s beneficial with as much information as possible, in this case what symbols were duplicate? That’s the thing that needs solving in this case.


That’s the problem, in the build errors section it’s just written “1116 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64”, so I don’t know which symbols are duplicate.

Ok, nevermind, I fixed it by myself. I noticed that the problem was a cpp file that was used as a main file that included all the file that needed to be compiled, but Defold automatically compiles all the file in src folder, so deleting that file has fixed the problem.

Are you creating a Gamesparks native extension from the C++ base SDK? (

Yes, or at least I’m trying.

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