Enemy not stopping

In the enemy i have made i would like it to stop moving when it comes into contact with the player. Right now when it collides with the player it carries on moving after it plays the attack animation, do you guys know how i could get it to stop moving when it collides with the player and then get it to start moving when the player moves out of its collision area

You are not sharing any code so we do not know how you are moving the enemy. This makes it hard to give any advice. Are you moving it in a script in update()? Are you moving it using go.animate()?

I’m using an update function.

function update(self, dt)
	if self.enemy_contact == false then
		local target_speed = self.movement * max_speed --this calculates the enemies target speed based on the its current speed and the maximum
		local speed_diff = target_speed - self.velocity.x --this finds the difference between the current and target speed
		local acceleration = vmath.vector3(0, gravity,0) --this variable holds the current acceleration of the enemy

		if speed_diff ~= 0 then --this if statement runs if the there is a difference in current and target speed
			if speed_diff < 0 then --this will be true if the enemy hits the wall
				acceleration.x = -move_acceleration --causes the enemy to move in the opposite direction
				acceleration.x = move_acceleration --causes the player to move in the current direction

		local dv = acceleration * dt --this calculates the velocity change in the current frame
		if (math.abs(dv.x) > math.abs(speed_diff)) then --if the change in velocity is greater than the speed change the statement will run
			dv.x = speed_diff --the speed difference overwrites the dv

		local v0 = self.velocity --this assigns the players velocity to v0
		self.velocity = self.velocity + dv --is creates a new velocity by adding the current velocity to the change 
		local dp = (v0 + self.velocity) * dt * 0.5 --this calculates the translation of the current frame on the screen
		go.set_position(go.get_position() + dp) --this applies the transplation to the enemy

		self.correction = vmath.vector3() --this rests the functions variables so they can be reused when called again
		self.ground_contact = false 
		self.wall_contact = false

this is the code used to move the enemy

Ok, so you have some collision handling code in on_message() right? So what you want to do is to set a flag when you collide with the player, something like:

function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
    if message_id == hash("collision_response") then
         -- check if collision was with the player (make sure its collision group is set to "player"!)
         if message.other_group == hash("player") then
               -- set flag
               self.player_collision = true

Next you need to use the self.player_collision flag in your update() logic where you move the enemy:

function update(self, dt)
    -- only move player if not colliding with player
    if not self.player_collision then
        -- your movement code here
    -- reset flag (it will be set again next frame if you are still colliding with the player
    self.player_collision = false