Editor Scripts and UI collection

Here I will be sharing my Editor Scripts and UI :slight_smile:

I invite you to also share yours, directly or link it here :wink:

Also, share your ideas and wishes on what can be added!

I didn’t want to hijack this awesome place with @Jerakin’s Editor Script, but I will link it here for references:


I put them in a single repository. You can use them all by linking as Dependency in Defold, or copy and paste the editor scripts you find useful.

The license is MIT.

Don’t forget to click ProjectReload Editor Scripts or a shortcut Ctrl+Shift+R or Cmd+Shift+R.

GUI related scripts

gui-add-script :scroll:

It creates a .gui_script file and links it to the given.gui file immediately (to Script property).

  1. Right click on any .gui file in Assets.
  2. Select Add GUI Script.

It really rarely happens that you create a .gui component file without a .gui_script, so I hope it will be useful :wink: When it will be possible to add command to a menu when clicked on a directory - I will add a script that add both .gui and .gui_script files in it.

gui-add-to-collection 🪟

A more advanced version of the above functionality. It creates both .gui component and .gui_script files binded together and puts a game object with gui component with this gui directly in collection. It also has a UI popup, where you can type a name!

  1. Right click on root in your collection Outline pane.
  2. Select Add GUI to collection.
  3. Type in a name and click Enter.
  4. Click Create.

Those scripts can be easily suited to your needs - try to check out the code - modify for example strings, names or contents of files that are created, etc. :wink:


Added Sound related Editor Scripts and UI :partying_face: :notes:

You can reffer to it as v1.1 (added release on Github).

It gives you powerful capabilities over sound files in Defold (“prehear” sound, convert, etc), but it might be complex to install, because it relies on FFMPEG (but once installed it requires no additional actions).

Current scripts run only on Windows. OS-independent scripts (e.g. creating components) should work on all platforms. I might do Linux too in the future. MacOS PRs are welcomed.

Installation - FFmpeg dependency

Currently, there is no possibility to do anything with sounds in Editor Scripts, afaik. So I used powerful execute and utilised FFmpeg.

In order to use them, you have to install FFmpeg then. Download executables from:


You can eventually add installation localization to PATH (windows).

On Windows you can also:

  1. Open Windows Powershell
  2. winget install ffmpeg
  3. Y to confirm
  4. Check installation path: where ffmpeg
    ( should give e.g. → C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe)

On Linux you can (though scripts are Windows only - they need modifications to run on Linux):

  1. Open terminal
  2. sudo apt install ffmpeg (or sudo snap install ffmpeg)
  3. Y to confirm
  4. Check installation path: which -a ffmpeg
    (should give e.g. → /usr/bin/ffmpeg or /bin/ffmpeg)

If your path is different, please modify it in scripts (perhaps there should be a script to install ffmpeg and add its path here, but for now… heh :sweat_smile:) in the common ffmpeg_helper.lua module:

-- Adjust the paths if needed
local FFMPEG_PATH = "C:/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe"
local FFPLAY_PATH = "C:/ffmpeg/bin/ffplay.exe"
local FFPROBE_PATH = "C:/ffmpeg/bin/ffprobe.exe"

FFplay and FFprobe dependency

Additionally, sound-play Editor Script utilizes ffplay and sound-cut utilizes ffprobe.
Ensure that ffplay and ffprobe comes with your installation. They might be in .../ffmpeg/bin/.
Check ffplay -version and ffprobe -version in terminal. If not, download them and copy there.

Editor Scripts

sound-convert :recycle:

It allows you to convert sound file(s) (.mp3, .wav., .ogg, .flac or .aac) to one of Defold compatible sound files (.wav, .ogg).

  1. Right click on any sound file (or selected multiple sound files).
  2. Select Convert Sound.
  3. Select output file format from a dropdown list (OGG or WAV)
  4. Click Convert

For each source file, it creates a file with the same name as a source file, in the same location, but with .wav / .ogg extension. Ogg file is at 44100 Hz.

sound-play :arrow_forward:

It allows you to “prehear” given sound. Plays .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .flac or .aac. It plays the sound once either until end of file or until the moment when the popup UI is closed.

  1. Right click on any sound file.
  2. Select Play

There are two versions of this script actually, but second is commented out:

  1. Play
    when you run it first time your OS might go crazy - it plays in background, but because of this, it requires your explicit permissions, e.g. Windows asks for permission to run from Unknown Publisher (sorry, it’s in Polish):
    You can uncheck this bottom checkbox saying "Always ask before opening this file" and it should never prompt again.
    Your antivirus might also block or quantine it - you can make an exception for it.
    opens terminal window additionally. You can then either close this window or closing the UI popup in Defold will also close it.
  2. Play in Terminal
    because of issues above, I leave there another version that is “safe” - plays in separate Terminal Window. If you like it more, you can use this (just comment out Play in Terminal command in the script).

I would love if someone could figure out and propose better solutions :smiley:

sound-cut :scissors:

It allows you to cut a subtrack out of the source track (.mp3, .wav, .ogg, .flac or .aac). It needs start and end timestamps and creates one subtrack saved into file of same format, where X is start (in seconds from original sound beginning) and Y is stop timestamp (in s).
end has to be larger than start.
end can’t be larger than source sound duration (provided as information in popup)

  1. Right click on any sound file.
  2. Select Cut Subtrack.
  3. Set Start Time and End Time timestamps (in seconds). Eventually change output file name.
  4. You can eventually “prehear” the cut subtrack by clicking Play Subtrack button. Close the popup to stop it playing.
  5. Click Extract to extract the cut subtrack to a file.

P.S. It checks for input validity and also asks if you want to overwrite if file with same name exists. Also, make sure you click “somewhere” after editing inputs - value is changed “on release” not on input changes, so before you click “Play Subtrack”, ensure the changed values are “in”.

P.P.S. I know, it would be great to have a visual waveform on a timeline with start and end markers for it to be convenient, but anyway - it simplifies this process a lot and you don’t need to explicitly use external programs :wink:

sound-component :loud_sound:

It allows you to create a Defold Sound Component out of a compatible sound file (.wav or .ogg).

  1. Right click on a sound file.
  2. Select Create Sound Component.
  3. Eventually change default properties.
  4. Click Create.


This is really opening up for some nice workflow additions and it makes me want more things exposed.

Great job!