Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe (REQUIRED):
Colossal context menu that opens when you want to add a new item to assets is kinda annoying. It makes hard to find what you want.
Describe the solution you’d like (REQUIRED):
Context menu items should be grouped together under logical categories. This has 2 advantages:
obviously, easier navigation
meta information is conveyed to user that way. for instance, a new user would not know what a “compute” is, but if you put it under a “shader” category, user will know that it is related to shaders.
Describe alternatives you’ve considered (REQUIRED):
i do not see any alternative solution.
“file” entry could be removed, there is also another “new file” entry on 1st level of context menu. editor script could be moved under “misc” category for the sake of de clutter. Also, i am new to defold and i do not have in depth knowledge of all components. as far i see, some of them are used in multiple places like “material”. So, this grouping could be erroneous.