Editor color 2021

Hi. I want to try out Defold, but I cannot read the interface. I’d like to change it to use a light background with contrasting text. Some older posts mention using css, but I cannot find out where the css is. Mac OS - and I’ve looked inside the app package.

I’ve seen screengrabs of Defold where editing the UI was possible through the prefs panel, but that no longer seems to be the case…

I assume that if I switch to my normal TextEdit2, I will lose the defold code completions feature?

Any ideas please?

The editor styling is done through JavaFX CSS files. The process was initially described here:

And I’ve added it as a page in the manual here:


Thank-you for the reply.
Have I got this wrong? Because when I use this

* {
	-df-background-darker:    derive(#0a0a42, -10%);
	-df-background-dark:      derive(#0a0a42, -5%);
	-df-background:           #ffffff;
	-df-background-light:     derive(#0a0a42, 10%);
	-df-background-lighter:   derive(#0a0a42, 20%);

the only thing that changes to white is the border around all the panels. Is there a way to change the panels’ content backgrounds? For example the script editor panel text background? And possibly things like the Assets list background? I find these dark backgrounds hard to read from…

You only changed this value. The other color variations like -df-background-dark and -df-background-light are still based on another color value #0a0a42. You need to change all of them:

* {
	-df-background-darker:    derive(#ffffff, -10%);
	-df-background-dark:      derive(#ffffff, -5%);
	-df-background:           #ffffff;
	-df-background-light:     derive(#ffffff, 10%);
	-df-background-lighter:   derive(#ffffff, 20%);

Hi, try my light scheme

.tree-cell:filled {
    /* Default: -fx-padding: 5; */
    -fx-padding: 2;
* {
	-df-background-darker:    derive(#dddddd, -10%);
	-df-background-dark:      derive(dddddd);
	-df-background:           #dddddd;
	-df-background-light:     derive(#dddddd, 40%);
	-df-background-lighter:   derive(#dddddd, 80%);
	// Component
	-df-component-darker:     derive(#dddddd, -20%);
	-df-component-dark:       derive(#dddddd, -10%);
	-df-component:            #dddddd;
	-df-component-light:      derive(#dddddd, 10%);
	-df-component-lighter:    derive(#dddddd, 20%);

	// Text & icons
	-df-text-dark:            derive(#000000, -10%);
	-df-text:                 #000000;
	-df-text-selected:        derive(#000000, 20%);

Editor looks like

For code editor I use Visual studio code with light scheme as well , it has code completion and lua highliting


Thank-you. I thought they referred to some darken/lightne function that i ws not aware of…

That’s great I can see how to work it now.


Brilliant. That’s very helpful. Thanks for sharing.