Editor 2 - Most wanted feature for 2018 (imho)

Yes, there are of course plenty of things on my wishlist for the Editor 2 but if I personally would narrow it down to one specific (that keeps me still going back to editor 1) it is the possibility to dock/undock/split the actual windows and most of all do it on several screens.

The editor is really cramped into one screen and there is not much room for console, texteditor, assets etc…
I guess this is not a simple feature and would require lots of work but utilizing multiple screens is very efficient for my (or just tabbing between windows on a small laptop instead of sizedragging the windows back and forth).

Unfortunately this keeps me with Editor 1 or Editor 2+Atom (even though there was some really great updates just before christmas!)


Personally, I would love editor 2 to have hi-dpi support in Linux. It’s not really an issue for small minute changes, but prolonged exposure to tiny text strains my eyes quite seriously :smiley: Plus the Linux version exhibits the issue related to font crispness, although it isn’t as bad as on Windows judging by a screenshot posted about two weeks back (having troubles finding it unfortunately).

Having little experience with Java dev, I have tried transplanting JRE 1.8 (the one that comes bundled with editor) for 1.9. It didn’t work :smile:

I am quite happy with using Atom in my workflow though, using it for pretty much everything from python and C++ to LaTeX and jotting stuff down in markdown.


Some things I want https://github.com/defold/editor2-issues/issues/1539