Easy card flip effect with animation in y axis

hello sorry to bother i beginner in defold and game dev can someone give me tutorial how to make easy card flip effect with animation in y axis in 1 game object with 2 sprite.I looking in game forum and many of them using rendering camera but i don’t want use that rendering script

Animate the scale and swap the sprite at 50% flip.


can this tutorial with z-index applied in defold

this front card index = 0 and back card is = -1

The animation in the video is carried out by reducing the x (horizontal) scale of the card back sprite from 1, and when small, changing the z value to less than the card front sprite, which starts with reduced x scale. Then the x scale of the card front is then increased to 1.

To do this in Defold use property animation : Property animations in Defold manual

Godot has the visual advantage of having a nice GUI to use.
Defold has the advantage of requiring you to do this in code, which I prefer because I can integrate it into the rest of my code more easily. There must be a way to code this in Godot as well, the GUI approach makes better YouTube content in any case.


thanks for all your support. Honestly last night i am so frustated and tempted to using other engine like godot and gdevelop. but i am understand now defold structural build. i am so glad the forum is active . now i focused in defold because how barebone this engine and so flexible to edit game object using script.


This flip does not have the 3D feel though, No perspective. Card should feel like one side is getting close and the other side is going away from you. Defold does not have this support for GUI, but it works for GOs.
I have speent the better part of the day attempting to do the effect in a shader but so far o luck. :frowning:

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