Druid - Component GUI Framework

The hover component don’t have that logic, so should find different way to implement this. Here some possible ideas:

  • change hover component and re-register them with new logic (should be not so hard enough)
  • you can rely on button.can_action boolean field. it’s true if button was pressed and continue pressed without leave the node pick zone
  • you can use drag component since they have events like touch_start/end to handle it in code way instead of style

could anyone tell me how can I remove a button from the blacklist?

I am stupid, I know how this worked, great.

Hello, i tried using Create Druid Component inside the edit menu but I got this error:
Im on Windows 11

ERROR:EXT: ./build/run_python_script_on_gui.sh: line 8: pip3: command not found
The python deftree is not installed. Please install it via
pip3 install deftree

I tried installing python and deftree but it didn’t work too, any ideas?

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Yea, the run python script uses python3 and pip3 instead of regular python and pip

As a current solution you can copy the Druid folder and modify this script to python and pip by your own

You know what’s weird?
I installed Python by using scoop.sh, and it also added python3 and pip3 to the PATH, but it still didn’t work. I’ll try modifying the script, thanks!

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Yea, definitely :upside_down_face:

I will look into this on the next update

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Will new components be added to this lib like drop-downs?

Probably this kind components can be made as an example in Druid, but not as included components. Which other components do you looking for?

That was all I think, I wish the text-input component would have more functionality, like movable cursor with arrow keys or touch, select/delete, but I know how hard it is to make ui with Defold. The main thing I would have wanted from Druid would be focus functionality. To be able to interact with components with just arrow keys, enter and tab… Would make ui more accessible for joysticks.