Dragon Bones: Spine not showing images, only skeleton

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here, but I have imported from Dragon Bone (images and json).

I have also checked so I don’t get the message about not finding image (correct routing).

So everything seems fine, what I’ve done is:

**- Created Atlas file + Added images **
- Created Spine scene file + routed to Atlas and json
- Added a gameobject -> spinemodel

Problem now, is that I can see it imported… But I can’t see the skin of this.
(I even tried to use one of the example files of the dragon and imported… samr thing there, exeect I had to fix the path caveat thing).

Not sure what I’m missing or what more info would be needed. Attaching a screenshot as well
Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/itp4kj

All help appreciated :slight_smile:

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From this thread it seems that the spine exporter in Dragonbones is broken, not sure if it has been fixed yet. What version of Dragonbones are you using and what Spine version are you exporting to?


Hi and thanks!

I’ve tried to export to 3.3 and 2.1 with a sample stickfig.
If it’s just a matter of the exporter being incompatible(or broken), I have no issues just go to Spine Pro instead, since I was considering it always.

Any chance there is a sample resource of anything (json + img), just to test and see if I can import at all?

My hopes are that you are correct, and it’s just a bug with the export software

The assets of the Runner tutorial contains a spine model


The Defold spine runtime supports spine versions 2.x and some features in spine versions 3.x (looking into exactly what features), so the safe bet would be to export for Spine version 2.x for use in Defold.


Ah I see, I’ll keep that in mind

Cool! I’ll give this one a try

Awesome, worked like a charm! Thanks for the help.

So to summarize, my issue is within the exporter (Dragon Bone), so I’m hoping it’s safe to assume Spine pro can export as needed


Yes, as long as you follow the guidelines by @Johan_Beck-Noren regarding Spine versions.