Dragon bones pro 5.6 - Unable to register

I know its not the place to ask another software related problem but I have no idea when2018-08-12_20-23-04

Did you get it off the official website? If so, why do you have version 5.5 instead of 5.6? Did you try version 5.6?

maybe its version 5.6 I downloaded from website leme reinstall and see

it is version 5.6, tried to register again same chinese error

any idea?

Here’s an older version I archived a long time ago, it should still be able to export to the version of Spine that Defold supports https://archive.org/details/DragonBonesProV4.9.5

But I don’t know if they will let you login to that version anymore either. Test and see!

do you think its something to do with the version? but it seems really unlikely tbh

No idea, you would have to test. I use Spine.

tried not working =/

I have translated the Chinese text to English via Google Translate and it probably has something to do with your key. Try to get a new key or send an email to support@egret.com


Okay thanks

Helo! Pkeod Thank you very much for your version, it worked.
what I did was:

  1. I downloaded the program from their website
  2. then I downloaded his version from the link and it asked me if I want to continue because I already had v 5.6…click yes
    3.then it asked me if I wanted to update to latest version…say no
    And now I tried to save it…it worked…good luck to you all!
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