Double sided 3D-geometry

Not at all an expert on this but when experimenting with some 3D models I notice that they are double sided. I guess that is due to the models I am using and not a rendering decision. Question is, will double sided faces impact performance much (they will not be visible as they are mostly “inside” of the model).
Are they considered or even being drawn?

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If I understand correctly, I believe “double sided geometry” is actually just rendering the geometry without back-face culling enabled.

With back-face culling enabled, any triangle that is facing away from the camera will not be rasterized. So if you have it disabled instead, you would get the “double sided geometry” effect.

In Defold, this would be something like this;

-- setup render state
--- ...

-- render my 3D models

I think that depends on how much your are rendering. Culling back faces will remove half of the triangles of a sphere. And it will also address the overdraw generated by those triangles, which could be costly if your shader is costly.


Thanks guys!