Does animation set support multiple gltf files?


The documentation seems to reference the Collada file format which I thought I read was being deprecated. Are you guys really dropping support for the .dae file format?

If so it makes me wonder if animation set supports extracting animations from multiple gltf files.

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You are correct, the animation set also supports .gltf files.
If the manual doesn’t mention this, then I should fix that.

Where in the manuals did you see this?

No I’ve recently looked at the documentation and both formats are acknowledged. One thing I’ve noticed though even though I’ve added the gltb animations with different file names they’re not showing up visually in the animations folder I created to put them into but they still can be referenced from it in spite of that.

The other folders when I add stuff to them they get an arrow beside them that points right when the folder is closed but filled and down when the filled folder is opened.

Simply put I’m not getting an arrow beside the animations folder. There’s no arrow but it is being filled.

I’m not sure what you mean. Doesn’t it work?
Can you share a screenshot?

It took time for it to update but it’s working now. At least after reopening.

One other question when you guys created your Basic 3d Template did you create your 3 models twice? You know once in the folder and once in the collection?

No, the models were created as files on disk in the assets/model folder and then referenced in the main collection.

So how do you do that. After spending more time with it I think I understand now. Those objects under the main game object are Component files. But first you have to right click the main game object in the collection, then when you get the pop up menu you click Add Component file, then that brings up another menu this time with a list of applicable assets(scripts, models, etc) in a list of file paths where they are found,then you click on one of them and they’re added as children to the main game Object.

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