Disable node checkbox

Is there a reason why you cannot disable/enable a node from the editor? I want to make GUI templates with some nodes disabled by default.


This is in our backlog and quite frequently asked for. Perhaps a good task for our newest engine developer @jhonny.goransson to tackle next? I’ll look at the backlog and see what I had planned for next sprint.


Any news? :grinning:


No news. Sorry!

I just wanted to make a new topic to ask this question as well :grinning:
Any good news? It’ll be useful to make it possible to disable/enable components and game objects on outline window or anywhere else in the editor before running the game. ( at least it’s useful for me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )
Thanks in advanced


@AGulev is actually working on this task at the moment. We will add both an Enabled checkbox and a Visible checkbox. The Enabled checkbox will let you toggle enabled state from the editor (same as calling gui.set_enabled). The Visible checkbox will turn of rendering for a node. This is useful when you wish to use a node as a container for other nodes or as a click area.


Great job Defold team, wish you luck :grinning: :+1:
Are you going to add this feature to game objects and their components in outline window as well? or It’s just for gui nodes?

The task we are working on now is for GUI nodes.

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