DirtyLarry textfield hidden/not visible in popup

Hello, I have a Popup in my game that requires user to enter certain information and I’m using the dirtylarry library for input.

I have the popup in a collection as a GameObject and show it using

msg.post("/popup#fetchage", "show")

I have the dirtylarry text template showing up on my popup.gui but any text entered is placed at the bottom of the popup…

I have tried tweaking the z-index and layers to no avail.

It’s a bit hard to visualise what you are describing, could you post a screenshot when running the game and one showing your setup in the GUI editor?

Screenshot from 2018-01-22 12-38-21Screenshot from 2018-01-22 12-40-32

See attached…

The red text shows the text is below the textfield

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If you expand the username node, are there overrides set for any of the sub nodes? Layers, clipping?

Yes… I have placed the ‘super_front’ layer in all the child nodes…

SOLVED. Turns out culprit was background (bg) that had the first layer (back). Removing this and leaving it’s layer as blank solved my issue.

I also has to remove all the super_front layers from the ‘username’ template.

I’m still not sure why it works now but it does…


Strange, I wouldn’t expect it to result in what you showed! Good thing to remember if someone else runs into a similar problem, and it might help in creating a minimal repro case… Anyway, nice find and good that you managed to solve it!

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If you’re using layers to control render order in the ui you need to understand the implications when it comes to draw calls and draw order. Incorrect layer assignment can break batching and increase the number of draw calls. Not assigning a layer means that it’s inherited from the parent node.