Hi! I can’t find any information about how Defold handles different screen resolutions and DPIs. There are 640px and 2048px screen widths and screens with 150ppi and 450ppi DPI and Defold uses only one textures set for all configurations or there are several textures set inside?
For example, there are two devices both with 1080x1920 resolution and one with 150ppi and another with 450ppi. HUD elements should be with different sizes on these devices. How Defold handles it?
We do not have any fancy features for packing multiple versions of an image into a texture and using the one most appropriate (aside from mipmaping, but that’s not really what you are after I guess). You can either design for the highest resolution and let the engine scale all content, or chose something in the middle and let the engine scale both up and down.
The display dimensions you specify in your game.project file is the size you will use at design time. At runtime your game will be rendered either stretched, zoomed or in the size you set in game.project (this depends on the settings you have in your render script).
The GUI system provides a basic set of building blocks and a simple layout system where you can anchor nodes and set their adjust modes to decide how they will adapt to screen size changes (both ratio and resolution).
I get it. Thank you!