Defold will not start on Windows 8

Hello, I was hoping to use the Defold engine in a new game project I’m designing. However, I ran into a problem immediately. I downloaded the windows version of the editor, unzipped it and double-clicked the editor. Nothing happened.

So I looked at other forum posts. It seems that for everyone else at least something starts. I ran the editor with “-debug” and ran it with a loop to get a screenshot as it disappears. I got this: where it apparently fails trying to allocate 2GB of RAM for the editor. I have 16 GB of RAM available, and 7GB were in use when trying to run this so there should be plenty of RAM.

Does anyone know how to get it start?

I do not know why it doesn’t launch on Windows 8. We have nothing in the FAQ about any Windows 8 issues. My recommendation is that you try our new editor (it has feature parity with the old editor):

PS The new editor is still in beta and there might be bugs. If you find an issue please report it using Help->Report Issue or directly on our GitHub issue tracker.

Alright. Well that is very strange that it would not start then…

The new editor does indeed launch and build games, so that should work fine. Thank you very much!


Looking at the screenshot, I would guess you have a 64-bit version of win8? We only ship the old editor as 32-bit. A quirk of the jvm and arch compatibility is that when the host is 64-bit and the app is 32-bit, the memory it allocates can be max 2 GB and must be contiguous. As you can see in the screenshot we ask for 2 GB. My guess would be that there were no contiguous 2 GB blocks available on your machine, leading to the termination.
Good to hear the new editor works well on your setup though!