Wouldn’t it be great to be able to change the font of a flowing text or the colour of a word? This and more is now possible thanks to the Defold-RichText project!
With Defold-RichText it’s possible to turn this:
"<size=3>RichText</size>Lorem <color=0,0.5,0,1>ipsum </color>dolor <color=red>sit </color><color=#ff00ffff>amet, </color><size=1.15><font=Nanum>consectetur </font></size>adipiscing elit. <b>Nunc </b>tincidunt <b><i>mattis</i> libero</b> <i>non viverra</i>.\n\nNullam ornare accumsan rhoncus.\n\nNunc placerat nibh a purus auctor, id scelerisque massa rutrum."
Into this:
NOTE: There’s still some performance improvements to make, specifically around grouping multiple words with the same style into a single text node. Also still left to do is to apply layers to generated text nodes to reduce draw calls.