Defold Orthographic - Get cursor pos with no input

Hi there,

I am using the britzl Defold Orthographic camera to follow a moving player object and to in the on_input function, I get the camera.screen_to_world position and set it to the cursor object.

All is good until the point where I stop sending input (mouse movement or keyboard). The thing, the player object then start to move at a constant speed (like drifting). This causes the camera to follow him, which is correct, but the cursor position is not update as the on_update is not called.

I am not sure how to solve this problem. Any suggestions?

I think in this case you should just store the raw input position (action.x, action.y etc) and compute the world position in your update.


Ahh, you are right.
Just saved the last position from the action and used it in the update in the camera.screen_to_world function again.



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