Defold not starting on Windows 11

Have tried Defold numerous times on Windows 11 and it won’t run. Tried everything I can find, but it doesn’t launch. Please advise, Thank You.

Try running as Adminisrator or install Defold into user folder rather then Program Files.

Otherwise it might be helpful to post the most recent editor log here usually located at:



Still having same problem. I’m going to upload latest log file. (330 Bytes)
Please advise.

Is that really all there is in the log? It’s only two lines with warnings.

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Any Ideas, anyone… ? I still can’t ge DeFold to run on Windows 11. Please advise, Thank You.

Some questions:


  1. Which version of Defold did you download and from where?
  2. The download is a zip file. Where did you unpack it?
    • It is recommended to unpack to your user home folder
  3. Please share a screenshot of the contents of the folder you unpacked to so that we can verify that all files are there.


  1. How are you launching Defold? Clicking on the Defold.exe?
  2. What if you open a Windows command prompt, change directory to where you unpacked Defold and run Defold.exe? What is the output? Please share a screenshot.
  3. Have you tried running the version which is available on Steam?
  4. Do you have anti-virus software which might prevent Defold from starting?
  5. What if you run Defold as Administrator?

I’m uploading the log file again, if anyone cares to look at it. (5.9 KB)

For some reason the editor fails to unpack files:

2025-01-30 16:02:28.637 230  [JavaFX-Launcher] WARN  javafx - Unsupported JavaFX configuration: classes were loaded from 'unnamed module @16187021'
2025-01-30 16:02:30.363 1956 [Thread-6] INFO  com.defold.libs.ResourceUnpacker - not deleting old unpack dirs from C:\Users\bigt2\AppData\Local\Temp as it is not in system support path C:\Users\bigt2\AppData\Local\Defold
2025-01-30 16:02:30.945 2538 [Thread-6] WARN  com.defold.libs.ResourceUnpacker - attempted to unpack non-existent resource file: lib/x86_64-win32/wrap_oal.dll
2025-01-30 16:02:30.946 2539 [Thread-6] WARN  com.defold.libs.ResourceUnpacker - attempted to unpack non-existent resource file: lib/x86_64-win32/OpenAL32.dll
2025-01-30 16:02:30.954 2547 [Thread-6] INFO  com.defold.libs.ResourceUnpacker - defold.unpack.path=C:\Users\bigt2\AppData\Local\Temp\defold-unpack11048032399491558207
2025-01-30 16:02:34.050 5643 [Thread-6] ERROR com.defold.editor.Start - failed to extract native libs resources\sorted_clojure_ns_list.edn (The system cannot find the path specified)
	at java.base/ Method)
	at java.base/
	at java.base/<init>(
	at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
	at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
	at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
	at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:669)
	at clojure.core$spit.invokeStatic(core.clj:7101)
	at clojure.core$spit.doInvoke(core.clj:7101)
	at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
	at editor.ns_batch_builder$spit_batches.invokeStatic(ns_batch_builder.clj:74)
	at editor.debug$init_debug.invokeStatic(debug.clj:101)
	at editor.debug$init_debug.invoke(debug.clj:101)
	at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
	at org.projectodd.shimdandy.impl.ClojureRuntimeShimImpl.invoke(
	at org.projectodd.shimdandy.impl.ClojureRuntimeShimImpl.invoke(
	at com.defold.editor.EditorApplication.<init>(
	at com.defold.editor.Start.lambda$kickLoading$2(
	at java.base/
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Which Defold version is this?
I notice that it tries to unpack OpenAL.dll, but that should have been removed in 1.9.6.

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I have the latest, which I believe is 1.9.6. Please advise.

The system cannot find the path specified

As mentioned, it seems it cannot extract properly.
Where is the editor installed on your drive?
Are you having any antivirus that interferes? Perhaps add an extension to the install folder.

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Installed to the root directory of the C drive. I’ve added exceptions in the anti-virus, still no go on this.
I’m not sure what you mean by not extracting properly?
I’ve tried everything I can find in regards to this problem that I’ve found on the web. Please advise, and thanks for your help.

The log you posted mentions not unpacking properly:

2025-01-30 16:02:34.050 5643 [Thread-6] ERROR com.defold.editor.Start - failed to extract native libs resources\sorted_clojure_ns_list.edn (The system cannot find the path specified)

I’m not sure why that is, as I haven’t heard of anyone else having this issue.
So, I’m currently thinking it’s something local on your machine.

Installed to the root directory of the C drive

Isn’t that restricted by the OS?
Could you try installing it in a user folder?

If it’s something local to my machine, then why does an older version of Defold work? It’s the only one that works, but way to
Thank you for your help. I’ll have to pursue other sources.

Good question. I wasn’t aware an older version worked?
What version is that? Is that a clean install as well?

Looking into the “OpenAL.dll” unpacking, it seems it was added in 1.9.6, at the same time as the actual resource was also removed from our builds.
An oversight on our part, but also surprising that it wasn’t noticed earlier :thinking:
We’ll fix that for the release next week (1.9.7)

I should add that it most likely also just a false positive, as it shouldn’t fail on that.
So I believe something else is at fault here.

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Hmm, the editor fails to start because it tries to write to resources\sorted_clojure_ns_list.edn. Which only happens in dev mode. Which is determined by the absence of defold.version java property. Which is set by the launcher. Which is taken from config file in the defold installation folder. Can you share the contents of that file?

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Here’s the contents of the config. (1.6 KB)

I long ago deleted the old version. If I recall it, I’ll mention it in another post.

I’d give up too. There is no answer to this problem. Defold is not universally compatible with windows. Thanks for your help.