Defold not launching

Im on a school computer and the IT staff have unblocked the file. but when i try to launch the file nothing. No error just a blue spinning circle for a couple of secconds then nothing. i dont have access to cmd and i cant run as an admin. It is installed onto documents. Any ideas?

Do you have access to the editor log?

No i dont, sorry. i dont have access to c: drive at all i dont know how my school have it set up but its not documents on a c: drive.

the it staff might though. I dont know though

It will be hard for us to help without access to logs or any additional information. Are other students able to use Defold? Have you contacted the IT department of your school?

Yes ive just spoken to my teacher and aparently its should be fixed on a computer so im going to try it on monday. I’ll update you then


I managed to test it today and it turns out that they only unblocked it on one computer and it is launching on that one.