Defold Enemy Melee attack help required

Hi all,

I am doing a game project for my computer science subject. I have been following this Youtube tutorial but I am not able to complete the project.

I need to finish my game project and how do I make the player dead as the next step?


You can’t get any help like this. No one is going to watch this tutorial video and try to figure out what you mean. You can’t expect to someone willingly spend their time on this. Please be more specific.

Here is how you can get help:


You need to for sure explain to us what is the problem?

What is that you want to achieve and what is that you have right now? Why do you think you are stuck, what is not working? Do you have any errors in console logs?

You can share a project with a reproduction of what you already have too.

If you would help us understand your problem, we do the best we can to help you solve it :wink:

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