Defold 1.2.165 has been released

Oh, now I got it. Thought that you’ve talked about rectangular crop area when answered my post a while ago. =) Any details on when texture size reduction will be released? 1.2.166?

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Why are the vertices counts like 4,5,6,7,8? Why not 4,8,16,32,64? 8 as max seems low.

With testing a shape like in the red I am seeing a hull shape like in the grey:

But I would hope for a shape closer to this:

Currently, the hull algorithm is a bit simplified (for speed reasons I assume), which yields your current result. We will improve upon it later on, to generate a tighter fit.

The limit on number of vertices is mainly because after 8 vertices, the save becomes negligible. (this assumes we have the improved hull generation above).
See this post by Emil Persson: New particle trimming tool

Also, related, in the future (part 3 of the sprite trimming epic), we will add support for arbitrary polygons in some file format. E.g. from tools like TexturePacker.


Support for the native Spine export would be possible as well?

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As with anything Spine related, I get wary, since the history of breaking changes makes it very difficult to maintain. But I can definitely see the benefit of having trimmed textures for those character.
How exactly that would work, is not something we have started thinking about though. But it’s a good idea, that we’ll carry with us while also pondering about how to best create a Spine extension where features like this would be possible to implement by the developer of such an extension.


I only tested desktop builds with the beta, but not Android. Both of our games FSH and FSR won’t bundle for Android ( resource cannot be null ). I’m not sure what the issue is.


I’d guess dependencies related? Still testing…

dependencies =,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Adding these deps to a blank project does produce same error. Trying to narrow it down…

Problem was I missed the memo that was depreciated.

The log file described here will give you clues:

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aapt package -f -m --auto-add-overlay -M /tmp/job16411177998684629365/build/AndroidManifest.xml -I /var/extender/sdk/6fac6e80f09ab297093e3ff65a7f45ad56e06e33/defoldsdk//ext/share/java/android.jar -J /tmp/job16411177998684629365/build/rjava -S /tmp/job16411177998684629365/upload/packages/
/tmp/job16411177998684629365/build/AndroidManifest.xml:24: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘value’ with value ‘@integer/google_play_services_version’).

A problem in the main project was also a custom AndroidManifest.xml

Yeah, it seems something went wrong with the resource paths, making aapt not find them correctly.
I’m working on a server fix which I think will solve this issue.

EDIT: Tracking as #4652

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I cannot seem to reproduce this error, can you share your small reprocase? (1.0 KB)

The above deps with this AppManifest.xml for Android. It is an old custom one (or maybe just this manifest is enough), I reset to default in the project now.

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Thx, so if I removed the extension-gps from the list of dependencies, I got that '@integer/google_play_services_version' error too.
I wonder, @britzl what is the recommended way now to get the google play services?

Apparently it is included automatically if needed now so long as the AndroidManifest.xml is of the newer type?

The manifestyou shared is as you say old and contains values that no longer exists in the engine and it will conflict with your dependencies. Google Play Services will be pulled in to a project through Gradle if an extension needs it or you specify it yourself in a build.gradle file as a dependency. This will also merge any required AndroidManifest additions into your base manifest. You should update your manifest to be more in line with the current one in builtins/manifests/android/AndroidManifest.xml


I look forward to this. When exporting images it is sometimes useful to export them with extra white space for layout reasons, having them be stuck together as close as possible in the atlas will be very convenient for overall lower texture size while also not needing to worry about white space trimming when exporting as much.

Hi! I’ve updated from 1.2.164 to 1.2.165 and now my HTML5 builds are failing with:

Source '/Users/marat/Develop/anvil/catapult/build/js-web/screen_fit_template.html' does not exist

Where screen_fit_template.html is my template for index.html and initially it lays not in the /build dir of course.

I see the engine_template.html in this /build/js-web/ folder. Is it possible, that for some reason in 1.2.165 version Defold does not allow randomly named templates and expects only the same template name as in builtins?

Nothing changed on my side, HTML5 build was ok just before updating the editor. Clearing the /build folder does not help.

Can anyone check, please?

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No, I don’t think it is sensitive to a specific name.

Yes, we will take a look. Thank you for reporting!


Due to the new android build step, we also had to touch some of the bundling/manifest code. It’s possibly related to that. We’ll check.


I was able to reproduce the issue in one of my projects. I thought I did something wrong because I couldn’t reproduce this issue in an empty project.
I fixed it by renaming my custom template to engine_template.html


We’ll take a look at this tomorrow.