Darkmode for forum

So i recently found out that on other discourse forums you can turn on dark mode like this:

but it looks like defold forum doesn’t have such feature so yeah it wwould be nice if defold team added it


Though I am using Dark Mode extension for Opera and I can switch it on and off by one click next to address bar :smiley: So for me the forum looks like this:


The only problem for me is that i have opera installed but its exceptionally slow on my laptop so i just use it when i need VPN

I am sure other browsers should have such extensions as well :smiley: On my laptop Opera is just the fastest, better than Chrome imo :wink: It doesn’t change the fact, that if this is a discourse option, we could have it here :wink:

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Yeah. Dark mode on the forums would be cool. Especially if it follows the system dark mode like most of my other apps (and some websites). (The prefers-color-scheme CSS media query)


I’ve added a dark theme to Discourse:

The colors are matching the ones from the main Defold website, but may need tweaking in this context. The light and dark themes are on GitHub:


Awesome!!! Can we also get this? https://meta.discourse.org/t/automatic-dark-mode-color-scheme-switching/161593 (only if our Discourse is up to date and it’s easy, otherwise, no need to bother, this is already great)

Edit: Nevermind

:warning: This brand new feature relies on changes to how themes and color schemes interact. If your site uses a custom theme or unofficial plugins, it is most likely not compatible with automatic dark mode yet.

Edit2: Looks like the colors are defined in an about.json in our themes, not directly in SCSS, so idk, it might work?


thanks very cool

We’re actually not up to date on Discourse versions. It’s on my list of things to do though. Once that’s done we can try this.


We’re actually not up to date on Discourse versions. It’s on my list of things to do though. Once that’s done we can try this.

Just wanted to say that automatic switching would be great. I read the forum both day and night :smiley:.

Please check your profile


Thanks! I don’t understand why I didn’t notice this toggle.

I turned it on after your message )


Btw, a tiny PR for the dark mode theme.


The forum has been updated with the latest version. Thanks.

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