Cycle detected error after adding new objects to map (SOLVED)

I cloned an existing object and reskinned it w/ a new UV texture. I tested the build after adding just the new objects but without placing them and it runs fine. After however, adding them as game objects to the collection I get the following error printout:

java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: Cycle detected on node type and output :build-targets
(not (contains? (:in-production evaluation-context) [node-id label]))

I also got a java.lang.NullPointer error but I closed it too quickly to see what it said (after trying to delete some particle effects w/ same name in each of the objects to see if the naming of those being the same was causing issues.)

Anyone know how to fix these kinds of issues? I might just try remaking the objects as the thread here indicates: Cycle detected on node type (SOLVED)

However, this seems like a bug. Remaking the objects is a lot of time and I’d rather just figure out what is breaking it in case it happens again.

Figured it out! I had an object w/ a factory producing the same object type. Apparently this isn’t allowed by the editor.


This issue is not solved on the Defold side of things. The error message still doesn’t give any appropriate information. I ran into the same or a very similar message, and in my case it was a circular lua require (two modules that require each other).

I made an issue for it: Inexplicable java error that turns out to be a circular dependency problem - need better error message · Issue #5909 · defold/defold · GitHub

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I believe I have been bitten by something like this before as well. A circular require without a clear error message.