opened 09:07AM - 26 Jul 23 UTC
feature request
I would like to be able to get and set the timeline positions of sounds in Defol…d.
Use case:
We have three intensity variations of a music track. At certain points in the track, we check if we want to switch to another intensity level. The variations are **not** mapped 1:1 in terms of duration and position, so for example if we're at 00:12 of one track we might want to switch to 00:23 for the other.
For get, I would expect something like:
go.get("#sound", "timeline_position")
You could do a workaround for the get side by tracking time elapsed since you started the track. I've tried this before, but do not find it to be a reliable solution. I can not think of a workaround for the set side.
For set, I would expect something like:
go.set("#sound", "timeline_position", 23.7)
However, for my use case it would also be acceptable if the timeline position is set on play (similar to the [offset parameter in sprite.play_flipbook]([complete_function]-[play_properties])).
I've looked around for similar functions elsewhere: FMOD ([get]( / [set](, Unity ([both](, Godot (seemingly only [get](