Cursor for music

Is there any plan to add a cursor, similar to sprite animation, for sound/music?

This would at least give a basic way to do more interactive music with the default sound system without having to use an extension like fmod.

In my particular case I want to use it to do lip-sync via Rhubarb.

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Does this feature request fit your requirements?

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Yes, there are plenty on github already.
I saw that compared to when the requests started, some feature have been added, but the cursor for some reason did not make it through.


I think a sound cursor is a bit more complicated than say an animation cursor. What happens when the cursor is set? Do we stop sound playback and fill up the buffer from the point of the cursor or do we interpolate and fill up the buffer with samples taken from the current position to the new? What happens when the cursors is animated? I suppose if the cursor is animated forward we fill up the buffer at the rate the cursor is moving, and probably the same if animating it backwards but in reverse.

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These are all valid concerns but also could be solved later? Knowing the cursor positon is already a good starting point and would make manipulation in lua more straightforward.
At the moment using a timer is very unreliable and also track length or looping flag is missing and needs to be filled ahead.

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