Curiosity about internal feature requests

Hi there,

just a curiosity: what are the most requested features you get from the internal King teams for both the engine and the editor?
I know they will always have precedence but it would be great to know how they align with the other user requests :slight_smile:


We actually don’t get that many requests. Recent focus has been on iOS and Android features such as Sign-in With Apple (built as an extension), Metal support (which is why we’ve worked on Vulkan for quite some time now) and size optimizations (sprite trimming, font compression, resource exclusion). Android dependency management has been a cause of headache which is why we’ve added Gradle support. On the editor side it is editor extensions with the editor scripts being the first step One thing that is mentioned a lot (which we haven’t fixed) is a merge friendly multi-line game.project dependency field.


Nice thanks!

What about artists? I wonder what kind of editor extensions do you guys have :stuck_out_tongue: