If I switch my project to Vulkan, it immediately crashes on launch with this log:
[mvk-error] VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: Render pipeline compile failed (Error code 2):
Link failed: fragment input user(locn1) was not found in vertex shader outputs.
ERROR:GRAPHICS: Vulkan Error (../src/vulkan/graphics_vulkan.cpp:1615) VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
Assertion failed: (0), function GetOrCreatePipeline, file graphics_vulkan.cpp, line 1615.
Registered libsqlite Extension
INFO:fmod: Running in the editor. Will attempt to load libraries from project
INFO:CRASH: Successfully wrote Crashdump to file: /Users/greay/Library/Application Support/Defold/_crash
# 0 pc 0x899724 dmengine _ZN7dmCrashL7HandlerEiP9__siginfoPv+36
# 1 pc 0x32bfdd libxpc.dylib _sigtramp+29
# 2 pc 0x2c3db7 libxpc.dylib __pthread_kill+11
# 3 pc 0x2fcebd libxpc.dylib pthread_kill+262
# 4 pc 0x222a79 libxpc.dylib abort+126
# 5 pc 0x221d68 libxpc.dylib err+0
# 6 pc 0x968230 dmengine _ZN10dmGraphicsL9DrawSetupEPNS_13VulkanContextEP17VkCommandBuffer_TPNS_13ScratchBufferEPNS_12DeviceBufferENS_4TypeE.cold.4+0
# 7 pc 0xec51e dmengine _ZN10dmGraphicsL9DrawSetupEPNS_13VulkanContextEP17VkCommandBuffer_TPNS_13ScratchBufferEPNS_12DeviceBufferENS_4TypeE+1886
# 8 pc 0xeff95 dmengine _ZN10dmGraphicsL18VulkanDrawElementsEPvNS_13PrimitiveTypeEjjNS_4TypeEmj+245
# 9 pc 0x7495b1 dmengine _ZN8dmRender4DrawEPNS_13RenderContextEPNS_9PredicateEPNS_19NamedConstantBufferE+1601
#10 pc 0x748ed7 dmengine _ZN8dmRender14DrawRenderListEPNS_13RenderContextEPNS_9PredicateEPNS_19NamedConstantBufferEPKNS_14FrustumOptionsE+4071
#11 pc 0x74c2e9 dmengine _ZN8dmRender13ParseCommandsEPNS_13RenderContextEPNS_7CommandEj+713
#12 pc 0x751362 dmengine _ZN8dmRender26UpdateRenderScriptInstanceEPNS_20RenderScriptInstanceEf+146
#13 pc 0x5c0b80 dmengine _ZN8dmEngine4StepEPNS_6EngineE+1488
#14 pc 0x5c121a dmengine _Z14dmEngineUpdatePN8dmEngine6EngineE+26
#15 pc 0x5c1f3d dmengine _ZN8dmEngine7RunLoopEPKNS_13RunLoopParamsE+109
#16 pc 0x5c1de1 dmengine _Z11engine_mainiPPc+113
#17 pc 0x48345 libobjc.A.dylib start+1909
I can’t make sense of the specific error (fragment input user(locn1) was not found in vertex shader outputs) and looking through the vertex shaders I don’t see anything resembling that.
I’m at a complete loss here – I don’t know how to even begin debugging this.