Connecting Defold to Backtrace

I’ve entered into a game jam for the first time. Their requirements are to incorporate Backtrace Debugging. the site I was sent to from discord is here.

My question is, can this be integrated by someone at my level? I can follow instructions but working deep within extensions and including C++ is all so new to me. Is there some solution path I could go down to make this able to be included as an asset? Thanks everyone in advance for the help.

I’ve had a quick look through the various SDKs and I’m unable to find a pure C/C++ SDK to integrate with.

Well, integrations like this are usually done through native extensions. You can probably start from the native extension template on GitHub, but in the end you also need to write some C/C++ code to integrate with the Backtrace APIs.

Apparently you can submit a crash log via http. Would using the Crash API and a simple socket setup work?

Yes, after a crash, the next time you start the app, parse the crash log, and then send whaever data you need via a http.request()