Collision problems... again (SOLVED)

Hullo, everyone. It has been a while.
(and since the AP Tests are over, I can come here a bit more often, yay)

So I have been experimenting with a new part of my game, but it seems like collision’s gone awry again…

This time I made sure to put all of them under the same collection, but there’s no detection for some strange reason…

Is there any explanation for this? I’m confused.

Have you checked your game with physics debugging enabled?

Are your groups and masks set up properly?

I have the masks set properly, yes, and also I have put a print function to show whether or not something even happens with the collision detection, but I guess it’s not working?

Did you enable the physics debug setting in game project? What does your game look like with this enabled?

Isn’t that the second screenshot?

Ah, indeed. It was really hard to tell by that background. :slight_smile:

If you are ok with it, could you share your project so could take a look?

Thanks to a suggestion, I think I will instead share it through a Google Drive link.

Thank you, @MasterMind.

Which part of the game is the problem in?

It should be under \encounter-bh, or maybe further down with \encounter-bh\bh-encounters\ten

This is as far as the game will load for me, so I can’t test anything:

My only guess is that you’re checking for a collision_response message in /npc/bh/ten/ten.scipt, but you’re using trigger collisions. Does it work if you change it to trigger_response?


That could be the problem. Let me check.

Yup, that’ll be it. And also a little bit more of the tinkering later, I’ve got it to work.
Thank you~!

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