This is a strange one.
When a kinematic object collides with a static object the contact_point_response
message returns the message.other_id
hash: [12693854167970456507 (unknown)]
Rather than the expected:
hash: [/terrain]
When using this code to turn it into a full url:
local url = msg.url( nil, message.other_id, nil )
This is returned:
Rather than the expected:
url: [main:/terrain]
On the S20 this means that collisions can’t be referenced, which is a game stopper because message.other_id
is used to identify what the player bumped into.
This behaviour only seems to happen on a Galaxy S20 when bundling as release. Bundling as debug works.
Minimal example: (3.1 MB)
As you might have guessed, this obscure bug was discovered late in development, in fact after soft launch, so I’d very much appreciate any assistance trying to fix it!