Collision issue on Samsung Galaxy S20 bundled as release

One step at a time. I might be back! :slight_smile:

It would be really nice if the URL object you got for a given object or component was always the same one, so you could use them as table keys, rather than ending up with something like this:

{ --[[00000000028799B0]]
  url: [game:/player/root#script] = 4,
  url: [game:/player/root#script] = 3,
  url: [game:/player/root#script] = 1,
  url: [game:/player/root#script] = 2

By looking a the Lua C code, it seems it’s not possible since it stores the pointer of the object. However, we’ll implement another function for the url, that would give you the url as a unique key, that you can use instead, to the same effect.


Quick question: Can url.path be used as a key in a table? Or is it equally super-bad as using the url itself?

It seems to be fine reading this thread, but wanted to confirm.

Yes, url.path is a hash and hashes can be used as table keys without any problems.

