Choose an Output device in editor


It would be nice to be able to choose a device / device type to run a build on. This would let us test our apps on a variety of displays and aspect ratios on the fly.


You already can target running engines when building.

You can use defos to set the view size so you can cycle through set view sizes with key presses.

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In next stable release there is also new menu option to change window size to different mobile and tablet resolutions, hopefully this will help debug different layouts in runtime. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Big like! :slight_smile:

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Ohhhhhhh this is very nice indeed!!! Are you guys adding an option to keep the window always on top? :wink:

In the meantime if some of you wants to get the same functionality, you can use defos with defmnu. These are great extensions that will help you get the same effect.