Changing the gain on a sound component

Hi all, I am trying to change the gain on a sound component. I’ve tried 0.0 - 1.0, but only the original gain plays. Changing the other sound-related properties also does nothing. My sounds are .wav with a bit rate of 16 and a sample rate of 44100, as required by the documentation.

Here’s a .zip of the sound if it helps: (3.6 KB)

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Hmm, I’ve tried your text.wav and in my test project, it works well.
I can silence the sound with gain=0.01 and strengthen it with gain=5
And the pan / speed parameters work as well.

What platform are you on? (I’m on macOS)

I am on Windows. I tried using the options argument with, { gain = x }), which actually did work. But setting the gain in the sound component itself does nothing.