Capsule shape height setting

I have noticed a change in the height setting of a capsule shape in the editor. It now seems to reflect the straight part of the capsule only. I am sure this wasn’t the case earlier. Or was it and I never noticed? :thinking:
All 3 shapes in the screenshot are set to 1 meter in height, yet the capsule is height + diameter, 2 meters in this case. And so the center of the capsule is at 1 meter.

I checked some of my old projects and the capsules are now taller too.
Is this a change I might have missed or might this be a bug?

This is due to the specific physics of Bullet - Bullet Collision Detection & Physics Library: btCapsuleShape Class Reference. The height of the capsule here is the height between the centers of the two spheres to avoid deformation of the upper and lower spheres and to easily calculate collisions.


Aha - I see. Thank you @astrochili!