Can't use Admob in my game


I’ve been trying to integrate a banner ad with Defold Admob for a few days but I can’t. Could someone explain me how to make this extension work? Because the documentation does not help me.
Also, I have configured my game.project file like this:

ios_app_id = ca-app-pub-000000000~0000000
android_app_id = ca-app-pub-00000000000~0000000

I’ve used this extension :

First please confirm if the example project itself works:

  1. Download
  2. Unzip to some location
  3. Open it as a project in Defold
  4. Bundle to Android or iOS
  5. Install on device
  6. Test

Does the sample project work?

You need to add your own AdMob ids here, not only a long line of zeroes.


Yes, the example project work on my mobile device.
About the android & ios app ids, i replaced them by 000000, but in my code i didn’t so they are the real ids.

Any idea?

When you say “it doesn’t work”, what does that mean? What are you testing, and how?
Afaik know, when using the real id, you’ll get the real behavior as well, which means the ads won’t show every time as it’s up to the server to decide?

I mean the banner ad is not displaying on my device even though I am using a code that looks good.

Have you checked the device logs? (See link in my first answer)