Can the editor display the full path to the current project?

When a project is open in the editor (2.0), is there a way to display the full path to the project?
The asset pane lists from the root dir of the project, which is good, as it avoids long paths. It would be good if the full path could be displayed in the top bar of the window or something similar.
Yes I should just remember:-) I can exit and then go back in, but then I have lost the evolved project layout, as that is not saved (or use 'find . -name ’ I guess…).

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Please create a feature request on GitHub. Btw, isn’t there a “open in explorer” option when your right click a file? (I’m not at a computer so I can’t check)

Right-click give me ‘show in desk-top’ . Which I did not know about, that does what I want, so all is good, thanks.

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