Can anybody help with how to export from Dragon Bones to Defold?

Hi, everyone.
Sometimes I feel that I have problem with every part of creating a game :slight_smile:
As for today problem:
I had an animation (bones + mesh deformation) in Dragon Bones (I’m new in this, too)
After exporting file to gif I had exactly what I want:

but after importing I had problems with imported atlas:



if I create atlas by my own, animation is shown with no deformation:


what should I do to get deformation, too?

ps: project in DB attached

2645 (356.7 KB)

Are you deforming based on weighted bones or trying to animate individual points? Defold only supports bone based deformations.

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it is mesh deformation… I think it means that I animate individual points :frowning:
ok, I got that I should make frame by frame animation or only skeletal based
thank you for reply


Doing bone based deformations is a much better practice anyway, is more productive to do and efficient on the engine!

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