Build window will not change size despite changing resolution within game.project

Ok, so, first off I’m new to defold, so if this is a simple error that’s on me.

So, i’ve created a basic 2-layered map with a sprite on it. This works, but the small map is in the far corner of the build window, so, I try to experiment with the resolution, but there is no visible change.

The map has 2 layers, layer 1 having a Z value of -1 and layer 2 having a value of 0- these are both within the tilemap. In the main.collection the map has a Z value of 0, and the player sprite has a Z value of 1. So far the map is 15x17 cells.

I’m not sure if this issue is caused by the multi-layered map, as on an old project that’s single layered (walking astronaut tutorial), changing the resolution has an effect.

And by changing resolution you mean that you open game.project, select Display and change width and height to something else?

Yes, sorry should have made that clear.

Seems to have fixed itself the next day, odd considering no code was changed.