Build Defold Engine With New Xcode

Hi Everyone, I want to build a Defold engine to learn and know how it works behind the scene. and I have some issues with the building engine for mac.
I install the last Xcode Version 14.0.1 (14A400)
but when I try to install SDK I found the Default version For SDKs is different
I have MacOSX12.3.sdk.tar.gz but Defold needs MacOSX12.1.sdk.tar.gz
and for the toolchain, I have this one XcodeDefault14.0.1.xctoolchain.darwin.tar.gz → Defold need XcodeDefault13.2.1.xctoolchain.darwin.tar.gz

but I changed the name of these files and I try to build an engine
but I got this error related to python code
DefoldBuildExport.txt (219.9 KB)

Exception: Failed to compile texture (err: 6): ../content/builtins/graphics/particle_blob.png