Atlas generation

Yo, is it possible to programmatically create atlas from a created (with encoder) or loaded (from fs or server) png image ? I need this cause i want to change game object sprite with it

It is not possible to generate the atlas part currently, but this is totally something the community could work on to implement.

What you can do is modify the texture resource of an atlas. But the UV information is not exposed currently afaik, that could be added by the community as well.

If your images are all of the same size you can use a tileset, pre-setup a set of animations for each cell, and then change the cells of that tileset’s texture resource.

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I have thought about doing this as well. Would be cool to be able to create in-game designs and such through some kind of drawing interface.

The thing you can do is make an atlas and an object that uses it in the editor, and then change it’s texture at runtime from a loaded image. Search the forum for “load image”, there are several threads about it. There’s also an image loader extension, which helps.


I think it’s now time to edit this reply in case anyone finds it searching online