Anyone using Nova Editor from Panic for Defold?

Anyone using Nova Editor for Defold? Curious about auto-complete and the specific path URL to use…

I use Nova, but not with Defold. I’ve never been able to get the external editor path to work (even with VSCode).

I’d love to try it… anyone got any ideas how to get the path to work?

I think you need the Nova command line tools: Installing Nova's Command Line Tool / Michael Lee

That worked! Not sure yet if I will use it, but nice to get it working! Thanks @britzl


If I set the external editor is there a way to load a file into the internal editor? I see options but can’t figure out how to have both active simultaneously so something like ctrl+click sends it to one over the other.

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No, if you have specified an external editor it will always be the one used.

is it possible to make a check box to turn on and off the external editor? Sometimes I have to go for the native code editor to read and understand how an extension works (from github that I can’t open externally) . Then I need to write the external editor’s path again to go back to vscode.


Feature request would be if CTRL+Click or some equivalent sends the file to the internal editor vs. default external editor set. I guess there could be some weird stomping issue with two editors but not sure that’s a big deal.