i want animate parent go with child go - just rotate to 180 degree
sprite.set_hflip work fine, but i need control speed
body as parent, head and legs - childs
Atention: i use rendercam perspective
left i have, right i need
i want animate parent go with child go - just rotate to 180 degree
sprite.set_hflip work fine, but i need control speed
body as parent, head and legs - childs
Atention: i use rendercam perspective
left i have, right i need
Could you use go.animate to slide scale.x from 1 to -1?
i use
go.animate(go_robots[2].body.s2, "euler.y", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, 180, go.EASING_LINEAR, 0.5)
go.animate(go_robots[2].body.s2, "rotation", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, vmath.quat_rotation_y(-135), go.EASING_LINEAR, 0.5)
bad result
i think need rotate x and z axis
You should rotate around the y-axis. It seems like you are doing it in your example but you write “bad result”. Why? What does it look like?
You need to describe in more detail what the “bad” part is, otherwise it’s going to be hard for us to guess!
i use perspective rendercam camera
go.animate(go_robots[2].body.s2, "euler.y", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, 180, go.EASING_LINEAR, 1)
please help me
upload gif
if you want, i can upload a project
Are you applying any other rotation to the game object or sprites? How are you aligning the camera? Is the camera looking down the z-axis of your world or at an angle?