After call spine.set_ik_target_position GO bone positions is static


My question about animation spine model. I use


to setup new target position and all is good. But next i look at actual positions of GO object after spine.set_ik_target_position transform with

spine.get_go("player#spinemodel", "Shoulder1")

and ik GO bones display static results. IK GO bones always static. Looks like a bug.

Test project Use mouse click to change ik target. @sven what is you email? i share project for you …

This test project also demonstrate next bug:

PS but if i get position of IK ANIMATED bone - all is good, see pos hand 0ik: output in logs. IK position update not worked only after spine.set_ik_target_position.


You can add, let me know the name of the project as well so I find it in my huge list! :slight_smile:

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Project name “AngryZombieShooter” :smiley:

Thank you!

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Uhhh i made ugly fix-trick for this bug in current code:

  1. Attach child GO to end IK bone with “set_parent” call
  2. Made spine model transformation through spine.set_ik_target_position call
  3. Deattach child from IK bone, set boolean flag for update code.
  4. In “update” call: drop flag, make some factories generations using position of child node, go to step 1

Maybe this advice will be useful to someone.
But i am waiting for normal fix to avoid some MAKARONY code in my code :smiley:
