Admob, question about Android manifest and iOS info.plist(SOLVED)

I used this extension.
thanks @britzl .

I released my first app game.
I struggled. But Admob don’t show up. Using test ID, it show up.

I use Androidmanifest and info.plist in “builtin” folder.
is Need to change these?
if so, how do change it??
if not, what is difference between test and app?

Thanks, but it’s @AGulev who did all of the work!

No, you should not have to manually modify these.

This is good, because it shows that the extension is properly integrated and that it’s something else that is preventing it from working.

Not entirely sure. @AGulev do you know?

One thing you could test is to check in the log if there are any clues.

Hmm, the only difference is ID you use. For testing user have to use the special test IDs I provide in example to avoid possible misunderstanding from Google side (they may suspect you of cheating and ban you if tested using real IDs)
Other than that it should be just fine.

I use test IDs from Google page.

and for store, changed IDs which my app has on admob.

Oh, when I checked my admob page, I found my admob account doesn’t have payment information.
First I will fix it, and check result.

Thanks for helping!!

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It works!! Thanks for helping and nice extension!!


Great! Please share your game once you have released it!