Admob extension on Android


I’ve been trying to integrate admob with the native extension but I have some questions:

  1. I don’t really know anything about platforms and architectures. For the Android lib, I grabbed the “c++” folder inside “armeabi-v7a” from the Firebase C++ SDK and renamed it to “armv7-android”. Is this ok?

  2. I’m getting an error when compiling the project, most lines refer to an undefined reference to a functions such as “firebase/admob/client/cpp/src/common/ error: undefined reference to ‘firebase::App::GetInstance()’”.
    I’ve read that I have to link the admob lib (libadmob.a) before the firebase app lib (libapp.a), how can I do that?


Hi @echiang07!

Regarding #1, I seem to recall that’s the way we did it.

As for #2, I’m actually fixing that issue right now, so in should be in version 1.2.101.

Currently, there’s no good workaround, however, as a (very) hacky workaround until then, you could try renaming the libraries “a.a” and “b.a” to be able to sort the libraries. This is a hack, and I cannot guarantee that it’ll work, since ultimately, it’s the IO on the server that determines the final order :slight_smile:


I see! Renaming the libraries to a and b did clear most of the errors but some undefined references were still left, thanks for the help still! By the way, is the “DLIB_LOG_DOMAIN is not defined” warning shown whenever there is a compilation error?

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That’s just a warning that you can ignore for now. I’ll remove that one as well :slight_smile:
The warnings are unfortunately only seen when there’s an error. Ideally, they should be available after each compilation.

What unresolved symbols did you get in your last attempt?


The error says:
“myextension.cpp:firebase::admob_ref: error: undefined reference to ‘firebase::g_admob_initializer’”

Ok, well, I’m not sure why it wouldn’t link then :confused:

Can you share your code?
Maybe separate empty project with admob library.

It is already an empty project since I want to understand the extension system well before putting it into our project. I don’t really have anything besides the headers #include since I couldn’t link the libraries yet, everything else is copied from the myextension example in the manuals.