Adapt to screen sizes

I’m going crazy. How to do this?

Hello, Have you read through the manual?

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There’s a lot to cover in your question. What is it specifically you are struggling with?

mobile phone -> iphone


I want to do this.
the same game on different device sizes

Use orthographic camera
And read the gui manual :


I will try. Thank you

I could not. I am a complete beginner. Can you please see where I went wrong?
download project

If you are a complete beginner then forget about the screen sizes.
Start by learning basics stuff. Learn the engine, learn gui and the language first.
There are lots of videos and tutorials at the learning section:

About your project; please read the ortho camera descriptions carefully. You have to add camera gameobject from ortho lib to your collection.

And please don’t forget to check examples:

You can download the project and learn from it:


thank you.
greetings to bodrum

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