Absolute beginner: how can a friend test my game?

I hope there is an easy answer - i have been searching for a way - but cant seem to find anything.
Absolute beginner question:
What I want to do: send my defold game to a friend to try it out. The friend doesn’t have defold or github or anything. I just want a link or something (is that possible) to send him/her.
Or: can I easily integrate my defold game into my website (e.g. wordpress)?

I read something about creating a html5 bundle- which I did - but now what :wink: I am lost.
Thank you so much

Sure, you can upload the game to a website. It could be your own website (wordpress might work, but I’m not sure if there are restrictions) or to something like itch.io. What you need to do is to select Project->Bundle->HTML5. This will produce a number of files in a folder of your choice. If you upload all files to your web hosting provider it should just work.

You can also upload a zip file containing all files to itch.io. Instructions: Uploading HTML5 games - itch.io

Another option is to bundle for Windows, Linux or macOS and share the resulting files with your friend.


perfect. Thanks a lot. Using a zip file of the html5 bundel in itch.io worked out fine