About Heap size

Is there a way to measure how much heap size I need to set the custom heap size?

I am certainly not an expert in the area, but according to the documentation for HTML5, the default 256MB heap size ought to be enough for any game; in fact, you might even wish to reduce it as part of optimizing the performance of your game.

In the above link, there is information for how you can track how much memory your application uses, so you can set a custom heap size to a value just above that, I suppose.

Do you have a situation where you require a larger heap size? Why do you wish to set a custom heap size?

I want to try to lower it down but I’m not sure how much I need to set.

Why do you wish to lower it? For most intents and purposes, I would say that you don’t have to change the heap size at all. In most cases, the effect of lowering the heap size on performance will likely be negligible, since other factors will greatly overshadow it.

However, if you wish to find how much you need, in the link I posted above, you can find out how much you need by checking how much your application is currently using.

Thanks! I just want to optimize my HTML5 as much as possible.