Still learning a lot about Defold. Liking what I’m seeing here.
Coming over from Unity where I have the following system:
- I split the game into core C# and Hotfixable (GameLogic) C# (with bindings created at compile time, so it’ll work with iOS). At game start, we’ll download Hotfixable C# if necessary.
When reading the “Live Update” docs, it says:
When bundling a game, Defold packs all the game resources into the resulting platform specific package.
It is unclear if a .script file is a game resource.
i.e. if a CollectionFactory points to Player.Collection which has Player.script
is “Player.script” part of the Live Update?
- We mostly make 2D games, so our live update system packs a bunch of low res version assets for the .ipa / .abb
Whenever a hi-res asset is missing, we’ll use the low-res version first before streaming in the hi-res asset as needed.
I’m guessing the way to do this, is to have a
Unit.collection (packed) which has
- lowResSprite.CollectionFactory (packed)
- hiResSprite.CollectionFactory (remote)
- Unit.script (ideally packed, but can live update if out of date)
What’s the correct setup to do this?