Zombies Fall - brick breaker arcade

Hello to all, I have been using Defold its almost a year but never introduce myself in this forum. I am UI/UX Designer from India started learning Defold in panademic and wanted to make this my full time job.
In start of this year I started with my first game project - a brick breaker arcade , this is so far I have come

My programming skills is weak but still trying and trying to get the result want i want. I can’t say when I will complete this because I am still learning and breaking stuffs and getting stuck a lot.
I really enjoyed working with Defold Engine and looking forward learn.


Hello @vikash!

Thank you for sharing your game. It looks fun! Please share a link to a playable version if you have and I’ll be sure to promote it in the next Defold newsletter.


For aiming raycast line - I am positioning a list of GOs with dot sprites to position along the path of raycast path but not getting how to do for reflected path. How I can add dots in reflectd ray line also in raycast.

dotted line raycast


I updated the other thread with an answer.

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I need to make green highlighted area to be touch so aiming line appear only when touching and pressing inside green area going below will disable aiming line. I tried doing this by condition:

if action_id == hash("touch") and action.y > 200  and action.y < 936 then

but it creates problem when resolution changes the touch zone changes also to fix this I tried using redercam.viewport.y and rendercam.viewport.height to make condition

if action_id == hash("touch") and action.y > 200 + rendercam.viewport.y and action.y < rendercam.viewport.height + rendercam.viewport.y then

but this making aiming line stuck even after action.released this is only happening in apk not in desktop.

on_Input code:

function on_input(self, action_id, action) 
if action.x then
	self.target.x, self.target.y = action.x, action.y
if action.y < 200 then
	self.aiming = false

if action_id == hash("touch") and action.y > 200  and action.y < 936 then
	rotateDots(self, action)
	if action.pressed  then
		msg.post('/common/player', 'back_sprite')
		self.aiming = true
	elseif action.released then
		data.firing = true
		self.aiming = false
